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تهران، سعادت آباد، خیابان آسمان، ورزش دوم، پلاک 5، واحد دوم

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Frequently Asked Questions

What raw materials does the parts produced by Polymergaster Datis include?

The raw materials of the manufactured parts combine these materials when they enter the factory.
At the end of the production process, quality control and various standards are performed on these materials, and the production parts are sent to approved laboratories after production, and the polymer company delivers these parts to the customer with a guarantee by performing several tests on them. It should be noted that in recent years, most of these parts were imported from France, Germany, Turkey. But now, due to new innovations and increasing the quality of products in this field, even we export our products to other countries.

Can manufactured parts be a good alternative to foreign parts?

At present, the quality of manufactured parts has reached such a level that not only do we not import parts from abroad, but also manufactured parts are exported abroad.

How can we order the required parts from the company?

You can easily announce your request to buy the products by filling out the order registration form.
And contact the sales experts of our products and also get advice about the quality and variety of products by consulting experts.